Page 67 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 67
7.30 a. m. Tue day: SNOW! Help! (Thank You Mr Byrne) with the van . The
9.00 a.m. now gone and so were we. conversation has by this stage gone from
AA Roadwatch had announced us on bad to ridiculous, to banal but is
' Morning Ireland" (this charity's using nevertheless very enjoyable and the days
the AA for publicity has become very a are beginning to pass quickly. We had a
la mode a fact of which we are proud) good understanding with the lorry drivers
and we were famous. The money came all of whom hooted at us (We, by now,
rolling in as the trucks went rolling by felt world famous).
and' Fred" went rolling on. Mr Cusack Roscrea was very nice to stay in and
took over from Fr Dunne (Thank you Fr the greeting we got from the nuns there
Dunne) and we trundled along merrily to was very warm and homely. We were
Monasterevin. Another brilliant night, sorry to leave in the morning but a
the highlight of which was Mr Cusack's tortoise-pusher's work is never done.
rendition of 'Purple Haze' by Jimi Fr Fifth Year Project (the man to
Hendrix! whom we owe the project, Fr Brennan)
5.00 a.m. Nearly everyone was awake arrived after a very sunny walk to
with the blues (not the kind Mr Cusack Nenagh (Thank you Mr O'Sullivan). The
was singing but pretty indigo in our toes) , last of our nights away from home was
it had fallen to sub-zero temperatures in another very enjoyable one and a real
the hall. The floor suddenly seems very bond had grown between all of us there.
hard indeed. Finally, the great city of Limerick lay
9.00 a.m. We were off again. ahead. We made incredible time , running
9.05 a.m. We had stopped. As if by at stages, to arrive in Jury's Limerick at
a miracle a large hotel had appeared just 4.00 p.m. on Saturday the 7th of April
outside Monasterevin. A long, slow, 1990. We had brought one local with us
glorious breakfast (the staff were coming (Ian Barry) and with himself and Fr
down from bed to cope with the sudden Sexton (who had come to welcome us to
rush) and we were off again. The sun had his home town) acting as translators we
risen and we were singing 'What a understood most of what was said. In fact
wonderful World'. Rumours that the many of us were beginning to understand
clouds parted and that the hotel rose up that there is life outside Dublin (this
after we left are unsubstantiated. temporary feeling wore off again in many
Mr Cusack goes off, safe in the cases after a week in Dublin). We had
knowledge that he has done a good job finally done it.
in keeping us entertained and out of The next day, back in Dublin, Roger
trouble. He drove up the wrong side of Owens kindly held a party and the
the road at one stage asking where eloquence and imagery used in describing
reverse is on the van. Mr Byrne arrives warm baths and soft beds would have
(Thank you Mr Cusack) and does an been enough to make a grown English
equally good job. teacher cry. The Dubliners and
Portlaoise looms ahead. A brilliant, Limerickers alike exchanged stories and
comfortable (in comparison to the cold then we sat back and rested on our
of the night before) night is spent there. laurels: £23 ,600 had been raised. We had
The highlights of it were a jazz session £600 expenses and £500 was kept for
and a trip to the cinema. Curiously a male next year's project.
16-17 year old traffic warden was seen In one week we learnt the goodwill of
stopping traffic armed with white coat the people of Ireland. Everyone has
and lollipop stick at the same time as we brought away a single act of kindness
were trying to collect which was very which stood out as being important to
convenient. Portlaoise passes (to the great them and which they will keep and
relief of the Committee). treasure for the rest of their lives. The
Mr O'Sullivan takes up the running Fifth Year Project experience is one that
9.00 a.m. now gone and so were we. conversation has by this stage gone from
AA Roadwatch had announced us on bad to ridiculous, to banal but is
' Morning Ireland" (this charity's using nevertheless very enjoyable and the days
the AA for publicity has become very a are beginning to pass quickly. We had a
la mode a fact of which we are proud) good understanding with the lorry drivers
and we were famous. The money came all of whom hooted at us (We, by now,
rolling in as the trucks went rolling by felt world famous).
and' Fred" went rolling on. Mr Cusack Roscrea was very nice to stay in and
took over from Fr Dunne (Thank you Fr the greeting we got from the nuns there
Dunne) and we trundled along merrily to was very warm and homely. We were
Monasterevin. Another brilliant night, sorry to leave in the morning but a
the highlight of which was Mr Cusack's tortoise-pusher's work is never done.
rendition of 'Purple Haze' by Jimi Fr Fifth Year Project (the man to
Hendrix! whom we owe the project, Fr Brennan)
5.00 a.m. Nearly everyone was awake arrived after a very sunny walk to
with the blues (not the kind Mr Cusack Nenagh (Thank you Mr O'Sullivan). The
was singing but pretty indigo in our toes) , last of our nights away from home was
it had fallen to sub-zero temperatures in another very enjoyable one and a real
the hall. The floor suddenly seems very bond had grown between all of us there.
hard indeed. Finally, the great city of Limerick lay
9.00 a.m. We were off again. ahead. We made incredible time , running
9.05 a.m. We had stopped. As if by at stages, to arrive in Jury's Limerick at
a miracle a large hotel had appeared just 4.00 p.m. on Saturday the 7th of April
outside Monasterevin. A long, slow, 1990. We had brought one local with us
glorious breakfast (the staff were coming (Ian Barry) and with himself and Fr
down from bed to cope with the sudden Sexton (who had come to welcome us to
rush) and we were off again. The sun had his home town) acting as translators we
risen and we were singing 'What a understood most of what was said. In fact
wonderful World'. Rumours that the many of us were beginning to understand
clouds parted and that the hotel rose up that there is life outside Dublin (this
after we left are unsubstantiated. temporary feeling wore off again in many
Mr Cusack goes off, safe in the cases after a week in Dublin). We had
knowledge that he has done a good job finally done it.
in keeping us entertained and out of The next day, back in Dublin, Roger
trouble. He drove up the wrong side of Owens kindly held a party and the
the road at one stage asking where eloquence and imagery used in describing
reverse is on the van. Mr Byrne arrives warm baths and soft beds would have
(Thank you Mr Cusack) and does an been enough to make a grown English
equally good job. teacher cry. The Dubliners and
Portlaoise looms ahead. A brilliant, Limerickers alike exchanged stories and
comfortable (in comparison to the cold then we sat back and rested on our
of the night before) night is spent there. laurels: £23 ,600 had been raised. We had
The highlights of it were a jazz session £600 expenses and £500 was kept for
and a trip to the cinema. Curiously a male next year's project.
16-17 year old traffic warden was seen In one week we learnt the goodwill of
stopping traffic armed with white coat the people of Ireland. Everyone has
and lollipop stick at the same time as we brought away a single act of kindness
were trying to collect which was very which stood out as being important to
convenient. Portlaoise passes (to the great them and which they will keep and
relief of the Committee). treasure for the rest of their lives. The
Mr O'Sullivan takes up the running Fifth Year Project experience is one that