Page 63 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 63
School Reports
SIXTH YEAR were offered up by writing them down
RETREAT and then cremating them in front of the
altar. Overall the retreat was a successful
And now you will activate your senses and worthwhile exercise and served as an
in a unique manner ... ' Blindfolded and excellent unifying activity for the final
led by the firm grip of a personal guide, year in school.
I descended the steps of Tabor House. Kieran Conlon (Senior 6)
The aim of the exercise was to experience
briefly the life of a blind person, to
realise how their life depends on trust of
others, but also how their other senses URBAN PLUNGE
can become more acute when eyesight is
lost. Courtesy of my 'guide' I became The Urban Plunge, a project designed by
aware of the beauty of birdsong, the Fr Paul Lavelle to bridge our divided
sweet scent of fuchsia, the delicacy of a society, began this year in Rutland Street
petal, the unique ecstasy of being walked school at 6.30 p.m. on the 1 November.
into a treetrunk and the joyous sensation Seventy-one plungers were involved, of
of grabbing a handful of holly leaves ... which 21 were from Gonzaga. Other
Cureheads are a malicious breed. schools involved included St Michael 's,
King's Hospital, Mt Anville and
The main focus of the two days was on Belvedere.
improving one's relationship with one's The Plunge started with a talk from a
classmates and on deepening one's number of residents from the plunge
knowledge of oneself. To this end, the area. They told us their life stories and
programme included trust exercises; the problems they face living in Dublin
activities aimed at gaining an appreciation today; one was a drug addict with a
of qualities in others not previously family and AIDS, another had to cope
recognised; small discussion groups on with her son committing suicide. It was
life and morality; meditation and a moving and enlightening discussion .
introspection exercises, to mention but a Then the large group split up and left
few. By lunchtime on the second day, so for the various 'host' areas for the
filled were we with the joy of living that plunge. These included Sean McDermott
passionate expressions of love, such as Street, Killinarden (Tallaght), Gardiner
spontaneous cushion fights, began to Street and Darndale. With Mr John West
erupt. Indeed, in the dining area, at the wheel, five 'plunger s' crammed
'marietta' biscuits were at one stage to themselves into a car and made the long
be seen floating on a level with our halos, trip across the city to the Coalmine
as we explored the phenomena of the Therapeutic Community. Cool mine T. C.
paranormal. is a drug rehabilitation centre run by ex-
To conclude the retreat, Mass was said drug addicts.
in the prayer-room of Tabor House. An I was staying with two other plungers
impromptu folk group, accompanied by at the centre, sleeping in a room with five
both a twelve-string and a rarely-seen- drug addicts. It was difficult at first but
nowadays five-string guitar, incorporated as time went on and barriers were broken
music from 'The Beatles' and 'Guns 'n' I developed a friendship with a number
Roses' into the ceremony in glorious six- ยท of the people there. My plunge
part harmony. Prayers of the Faithful. experience. opened. my eyes to the
SIXTH YEAR were offered up by writing them down
RETREAT and then cremating them in front of the
altar. Overall the retreat was a successful
And now you will activate your senses and worthwhile exercise and served as an
in a unique manner ... ' Blindfolded and excellent unifying activity for the final
led by the firm grip of a personal guide, year in school.
I descended the steps of Tabor House. Kieran Conlon (Senior 6)
The aim of the exercise was to experience
briefly the life of a blind person, to
realise how their life depends on trust of
others, but also how their other senses URBAN PLUNGE
can become more acute when eyesight is
lost. Courtesy of my 'guide' I became The Urban Plunge, a project designed by
aware of the beauty of birdsong, the Fr Paul Lavelle to bridge our divided
sweet scent of fuchsia, the delicacy of a society, began this year in Rutland Street
petal, the unique ecstasy of being walked school at 6.30 p.m. on the 1 November.
into a treetrunk and the joyous sensation Seventy-one plungers were involved, of
of grabbing a handful of holly leaves ... which 21 were from Gonzaga. Other
Cureheads are a malicious breed. schools involved included St Michael 's,
King's Hospital, Mt Anville and
The main focus of the two days was on Belvedere.
improving one's relationship with one's The Plunge started with a talk from a
classmates and on deepening one's number of residents from the plunge
knowledge of oneself. To this end, the area. They told us their life stories and
programme included trust exercises; the problems they face living in Dublin
activities aimed at gaining an appreciation today; one was a drug addict with a
of qualities in others not previously family and AIDS, another had to cope
recognised; small discussion groups on with her son committing suicide. It was
life and morality; meditation and a moving and enlightening discussion .
introspection exercises, to mention but a Then the large group split up and left
few. By lunchtime on the second day, so for the various 'host' areas for the
filled were we with the joy of living that plunge. These included Sean McDermott
passionate expressions of love, such as Street, Killinarden (Tallaght), Gardiner
spontaneous cushion fights, began to Street and Darndale. With Mr John West
erupt. Indeed, in the dining area, at the wheel, five 'plunger s' crammed
'marietta' biscuits were at one stage to themselves into a car and made the long
be seen floating on a level with our halos, trip across the city to the Coalmine
as we explored the phenomena of the Therapeutic Community. Cool mine T. C.
paranormal. is a drug rehabilitation centre run by ex-
To conclude the retreat, Mass was said drug addicts.
in the prayer-room of Tabor House. An I was staying with two other plungers
impromptu folk group, accompanied by at the centre, sleeping in a room with five
both a twelve-string and a rarely-seen- drug addicts. It was difficult at first but
nowadays five-string guitar, incorporated as time went on and barriers were broken
music from 'The Beatles' and 'Guns 'n' I developed a friendship with a number
Roses' into the ceremony in glorious six- ยท of the people there. My plunge
part harmony. Prayers of the Faithful. experience. opened. my eyes to the