Page 77 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 77
The 5th Year Project Organising Committee: I. Donovan, A. Maree, P. Kennedy, R. MacDonnell,
H. Mullett, P. Keelan, S. Dunne, Rev. P. Sexton, SJ.

assess the financial success of our end- sawing, hammering and pamtmg all
eavours. In total nearly £1,200 was the preparations were at last com-
raised capping three wonderful perfor- pleted. The great Gonzaga Fifth Year
mances by the Gonzaga male voice Project Roadshow was all set, and
choir. anyone present at the College on 18
The cynical critic might remark on March 1986 will surely verify that it
the general lack of musical ability dis- was an unrivalled send-off for the Pro-
played and the seemingly random man- ject. In the past the peripatetic Fifth
ner by which notes were plucked from Years have, in their desire to be not-
the air in some of our less well re- iced, pushed anything from beds to
hearsed songs. However, there can be barrels to raise money, but surely this
no doubt that the tremendous total year's two boots (Bill and Ben to their
collected was a just reward for our friends) will never be matched for grace
enthusiasm in overcoming such monu- and aerodynamic qualities!
mental deficencies. Preparation for the 1986 Project
At the midnight Mass collection in began in late December 1985. Fr
Gonzaga £900 was raised. Of this sum Sexton SJ, had taken over from Fr
£450 went to the school conference of Brennan, SJ, as overseer of the project.
St Vincent de Paul and £450 to Africa. After a committee of seven had been
formed, following elections in both
Paul Higgins (S.5) Fifth Year classes, it was up to the lux-

urious executive boardroom in St
Joseph's to don thinking caps and
FIFTH YEAR PROJECT 1986 puzzle out just how we were going to
complete the mammoth task ahead of
Limerick Push us.
The problems facing the committee
After three frenetic months of were three fold; viz . What to push?
thinking, discussing, phoning, writing, What charities to support? What route

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