Page 75 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 75

SIXTH YEAR RETREAT One can only hope that the retreat
brought all of us closer to God. How-
The annual Sixth year retreat took ever, it was certainly a totally different
place on 16 and 17 October 1985 and experience from what we were used to,
was held in St Mary's, Bird Avenue, as and has unquestionably led to better
well as the usual Tabor House locat- relationships within the class, as well
ion. Not surprisingly it received wide- as making us more spiritually and soc-
spread support, and was thought to be ially aware.
a worthwhile experience.
The boys of the Sixth year came to- Jim O'Callaghan (S.6)
gether for exercises and discussions
which lasted from 9.0 am to 5.0 pm on
both days. It was emphasised that the SECOND YEAR RETREAT
most important ingredient was that we
should commit ourselves totally to the The main thing that struck me about
exercises - there would be no room the annual retreat this year for Senior
for either cynics or spectators. The 2, which took place in Tabor House on
exercises themselves, as well as being 14 October 1985, was the informality
·central to the success of the retreat, between us and the speakers. Kennedy
were also quite enjoyable. They were O'Brien and Jim Culliton made it clear
simple in nature, and fortunately did to us right away that first names were
not involve jumping up and down to be used between us and them. This
'praisin' the Lord: However, they did helped us to be frank with them, and
require a great deal of concentration to tell them what our views really were,
- a factor which accounted for the and what were our real feelings about
majority of us being very tired at the the subjects that were discussed.
end of the day. The whole group had to participate,
Nevertheless, it is surprising that in and this in turn meant that one had to
just two days a group of boys, who concentrate on what was going on.
could be described as having lived to- There was no possibility of day-dream-
gether for six years, could develop a ing, or a whispered conversation with
sense of trust and understanding which one's neighbour. Everything was kept
up to then had not been fully realised. at a practical level, and was therefore
This was mainly due to the exercises interesting; concentration did not wan-
themselves, but possibly also aided by der too often. Much of the credit for
the total absence of the rigours of the this must go to Kennedy and Jim who
school day. obviously had carefully thought out in
Of the discussions which were held, advance how to maintain our interest
one of the most important was centred during the day. They were both young,
on our role in a society of inequality and had fresh ideas, and could relate
and possibly injustice. It confirmed to us easily.
views which we had already held in Eventually we had lunch, and a
that we realised from a privileged pos- break, and then further discussions.
ition that we have a responsibility and The final item of the day was Mass. I
a moral obligation to work for change. liked this way of ending the day as it
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