Page 88 - The Gonzaga Record 1985
P. 88
jobs, making people more aware of Irish All the boys in· the class were involved
goods, and the reasons for buying them. and fully participated in the major effort of·
'Young Ireland' is asking you to buy only putting on a musical play. The restricted
good value, quality Irish made products. space, since it was staged in the class room,
Look around - ask in shops - and you will lent an intimacy and immediate contact
find such goods are there. between audience and cast which was
The Gonzaga Branch Committee was set endearing. Certainly the parents loved it all.
up in early February, and our aim is to There were four performances, each lasting
create awareness in the school of the an hour. I was proud of the boys, and felt
existing quality Irish goods on sale. By fully rewarded for all the work that had
posters, exhibitions, competitions, and gone into staging it.
action we hope to show people the value of
buying Irish. Any enquiries or suggestions The Cast:
can be made to any member of the
Committee. We will be grateful for any Narrators: Philip Carney, Gareth Pelly.
assistance. Pharaoh: Mark Heffernan
Don't snooker the economy; Jocheked: Laurence Mahon
Pot the green first! Sarah: Roger Semple
Moses: Denis O'Sullivan
Assent to a meaningful nationalism. Miriam Philip Comerford
Because present jobs and future Princess John Lambert
employment are at stake. Be aware of Irish Overseer Jason Forbes
goods; buy Irish goods; create Irish jobs!
Israelite Children Canal Boland, Stuart
The Committee consists of: Keaney, Gavin McCarron, Shane
S.4A Paul Kellan (Secretary) McLoughlin.
S.4 Brian O'Rourke Israelite Women Feilim Clear, Kevin
Paul Connellan Feeney, Matthew McPartlin, Alan
lain Donovan Parkinson, Roan White.
S.3 John Heffernan Israelite Men Liam Connellan, Jason
Niall Carney Carty, Mark Forbes, Andrew Jackson,
William Hederman Kevin McMahon, David O'Doherty, Mark
Eamon Carney O'Mahony, Nicholas Bailey.
Frank Colgan Director-Producer: Philomena Crosbie
Alan Lawlor Music: Fr J. Brennan; Mr Gerry Murphy;
S.3A Colm Cox Philomena Crosbie, Mark Heffernan.
S.2A Naoise Barry Props: Oonagh Benner
Simon Carty Costumes: Parents.
S.l Darragh Finn
S.l A Peter Kearns
PREP SCHOOL DRAMA Under the direction of Mrs. Terry Egan last
Under the direction of Mrs. Philomena Easter Prep Ill produced four parable
Crosbie. Moses and the Fantastic Fiery dramas in the school chapel. These were:
Bush, a music al drama by Ian Calvert, was The Servant Who Wouldn't Forgive told
performed by Prep II before Easter last the story of the Prodigal Son.
year. It was an appropriate Biblical story, The Two Sons tells of the unforgiving
for being Lent the them e gave the boys an brother who so angered God.
appreciation of how clo sel y linked are the Remember Me depicted the scene of the
Old and New Testament, and God's love in Last Supper.
delive rin g Hi s peopl e from the bondage of I Could Die with Sadness tells of Christ's
slavery, or of sin. agony in the Garden of Olives.
goods, and the reasons for buying them. and fully participated in the major effort of·
'Young Ireland' is asking you to buy only putting on a musical play. The restricted
good value, quality Irish made products. space, since it was staged in the class room,
Look around - ask in shops - and you will lent an intimacy and immediate contact
find such goods are there. between audience and cast which was
The Gonzaga Branch Committee was set endearing. Certainly the parents loved it all.
up in early February, and our aim is to There were four performances, each lasting
create awareness in the school of the an hour. I was proud of the boys, and felt
existing quality Irish goods on sale. By fully rewarded for all the work that had
posters, exhibitions, competitions, and gone into staging it.
action we hope to show people the value of
buying Irish. Any enquiries or suggestions The Cast:
can be made to any member of the
Committee. We will be grateful for any Narrators: Philip Carney, Gareth Pelly.
assistance. Pharaoh: Mark Heffernan
Don't snooker the economy; Jocheked: Laurence Mahon
Pot the green first! Sarah: Roger Semple
Moses: Denis O'Sullivan
Assent to a meaningful nationalism. Miriam Philip Comerford
Because present jobs and future Princess John Lambert
employment are at stake. Be aware of Irish Overseer Jason Forbes
goods; buy Irish goods; create Irish jobs!
Israelite Children Canal Boland, Stuart
The Committee consists of: Keaney, Gavin McCarron, Shane
S.4A Paul Kellan (Secretary) McLoughlin.
S.4 Brian O'Rourke Israelite Women Feilim Clear, Kevin
Paul Connellan Feeney, Matthew McPartlin, Alan
lain Donovan Parkinson, Roan White.
S.3 John Heffernan Israelite Men Liam Connellan, Jason
Niall Carney Carty, Mark Forbes, Andrew Jackson,
William Hederman Kevin McMahon, David O'Doherty, Mark
Eamon Carney O'Mahony, Nicholas Bailey.
Frank Colgan Director-Producer: Philomena Crosbie
Alan Lawlor Music: Fr J. Brennan; Mr Gerry Murphy;
S.3A Colm Cox Philomena Crosbie, Mark Heffernan.
S.2A Naoise Barry Props: Oonagh Benner
Simon Carty Costumes: Parents.
S.l Darragh Finn
S.l A Peter Kearns
PREP SCHOOL DRAMA Under the direction of Mrs. Terry Egan last
Under the direction of Mrs. Philomena Easter Prep Ill produced four parable
Crosbie. Moses and the Fantastic Fiery dramas in the school chapel. These were:
Bush, a music al drama by Ian Calvert, was The Servant Who Wouldn't Forgive told
performed by Prep II before Easter last the story of the Prodigal Son.
year. It was an appropriate Biblical story, The Two Sons tells of the unforgiving
for being Lent the them e gave the boys an brother who so angered God.
appreciation of how clo sel y linked are the Remember Me depicted the scene of the
Old and New Testament, and God's love in Last Supper.
delive rin g Hi s peopl e from the bondage of I Could Die with Sadness tells of Christ's
slavery, or of sin. agony in the Garden of Olives.