Page 84 - The Gonzaga Record 1985
P. 84
Lajos Haponi: P. Fahy; And so on the morning of 29 October,
Tibor: D. Bolger; ten Belvederian, twenty-five Gonzagans,
Head Waiter: H. Dunn; Brian Fitzpatrick, Louis O'Cleirigh, and
Sir Geoffrey: R. Magan; myself boarded the St Columba for
Alfred Simple: R. Cremins; Holyhead. The weather forecast wasn't too
Marion: Ciara O'Farrell; brilliant - storms and things - but we put a
Prof. R. J. J: M. Coffey; brave face on it. It was a foul crossing. A
Daisy: Helena Smythe; southerly gale ensured that we rolled all the
Simon Warbeck: N. MacMahon; way to Wales. Never mind, we said; at least
Sir Fiendish Cadde: M. O'Donnell; we will have a nice return: you couldn't get
Pythagoras: E. Kearns; two crossings like this.
Workmen: E. Keegan, P. Sheeran; At Holyhead I was taken aside, for the
Doctor: A. Donovan. third time in four years, with the now-
Production & Direction ....... Gerard M. familiar, 'Would you step this way, please
Murphy. Sir?' My resemblance to your average
Art Direction .... Darragh O'Connell. anarchist-terrorist being of course, striking.
Stage Manager ... Ado Carton. An excellent coach, by Messrs. Jones
Lighting ... Brian Treanor, Harry Quinlan. awaited us, driven by a friendly and
Props .... John Rooney. courteous man named Gwynnfar.
Stage crew ..... M. Lennon; F. Coyle; S. Old Stratford hands will want to hurry
Devitt; A. O'Keefe; C. Deane; D. through the next bit. Holyhead to Stratford,
O'Connor; A. Donovan; S. Molloy; P. whichever way you go, is not fun,
Long. particularly with a 7.30 curtain for a
Orchestra (Leader) Cormac 6 Cuilleanain. deadline. What made it bearable, even
Violins: Audrey O'Reilly; Mary Fitzgerald; pleasant, this time was a Sony W alkman-a
Colin Doherty. present from last year's opera cast.
Violas: Gavin O'Sullivan; John Heffernan. Hitherto regarded as anti-social and
Cellos: John Gibney; Finbarre Twomey. ostentatious, it came into its own on the
Bass: S. Gormley. coach trip! I don't know how far it is from
Flutes: Edel O'Connor; Clarnet. .. Mick Bangor to Chester, but it just fits Mahler 3
Seaver; Bassoon: Julian Morgan. nicely! Take a bow, Sony (and last year's
Trumpet: Gerry Keenan; Piano: Patricia opera cast).
Murphy. Conductor: Gerard M. Murphy, Whichever route we take we always
B. Mus. arrive in Stratford at 6.20. with ten minutes
Senior and Junior Chorus ...... all the to check in to digs, wash, change, and zoom
rest! ofT to tea at the Cobweb. This year was no
different; nevertheless we managed to be
Aran Maree. seated, coatless, and programmed in the
theatre by 7.29! For the first time in twelve
hours one could relax.
Especially with the first offering -Love's
Labour Lost. Lighting and design
combined winningly in tons of purple and
The Stratford trip nearly didn't take place plush to form a marvellous production of
at all . Tentative plans for the November this most genial of plays. A young and
break were rudely upset when we learned brave cast, superb timing, and excellent
that Hamlet, the main attraction, was music: the setting for soprano and chorus
booked out months in advance. However, (pretty much the entire cast) of Autumn and
after much searching of Hugh Duffy's Winter at the end, as the stylised umbrella-
heart, (and not a little pro-ing and con-ing), trees folded and the leaves began to fall, will
it was decided that even with two plays it linger long.
was well worth going. After a hearty breakfast, we boarded the


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