The principal aim of this project is to make the history of the college more readily accessible to the ever-widening Gonzaga community, both past and present. The on-line publication of a selection of The Gonzaga Record is a mere sample of the uses to which we could put the internet. It can be used to store the many photographs, documents and video clips, possibly structured in a timeline, that capture Gonzaga life over the decades, and also reflect the subsequent lives of our alumni.
We are inviting your response to the work so far. First, your comments or indeed corrections; and your contributions - in the form of photos, film, video, memoirs, recollections of others with whom you shared Gonzaga life. As there exists no annual chronicle of school life prior to 1985, contributions relating to the first thirty-five years are specially important.
Gonzaga at Sixty
Please click on the image to view the animated version of Gonzaga at Sixty.
If you would like to contact us regarding any information in the Gonzaga Record or if you would like to add any additional information, please contact us at..