Page 7 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 7
This year's Record appea rs at a time of signifi ca nt anniversa ri es and
changes. 199 1 is the fi ve hundredth anni ve rsa ry of' the birth of St I gnat iu s
Loyola- an event th at will be mark ed in Jesuit in stitutions all over th e
\oVOr ld during the Ignati an Centenary Yea r. whi ch end s on the Feast or
St lgnatiu s 3 1 Jul y 199 1. 1990 is also the four hundred and fifti eth
anni ve rsa ry of the founding of the Soc iety of Jesus. Gonzaga Coll ege
itse lf opened its doo rs in 1950 - originall y stalled by Fr Charles O'Conor
(Rector). Fr Bill White (Prefect of Studies), Fr John Murphy and Fr Tim
Hamilton. the onl y surviving founder; so the College is celebratin g its
fo rti eth birthday in 1990. The changes of course on the world scene in
th e pas t year have been enormous, es pec iall y in eastern Europe, and at
the time of ed itin g the Gul f cri sis is monopoli sing the world news - sharp
reminders of the prov isional and unpredi ctabl e in our liv es.
At another level signifi ca nt change comes to Gonzaga thi s yea r also
with th e appointment of a new headmas ter, Mr Patrick Pott s, by the
Manager, Fr Paddy Crowe SJ - a change announced a yea r ago by th e
Prov incial, Fr Phi lip Harn ett SJ. Mr Potts is the first lay headmaster
appointed to a Jes uit sc hool in Ireland . A brief profile of th e new
headmas ter, new to Gonzaga, but already tri ed and experi enced in other
sc hools, appears elsewhere in thi s Record.
The Record 's fun cti on, of course, is fir st to record the names and
ac ti viti es of th ose who participated in Gonzaga 's life during 1989-90, a
'laudator tempori s acti '. One such worthy laudator thi s year is Fr Eddie
Keane SJ , who gives a most int eresting account of the school's ea rl y clays
and he includ es some rare early photographs. The most fa sc inating is the
first ph oto ever taken in Gonzaga of the entire sc hool student body and
staff in Gonzaga's fir st year. In 1990 Fr Keane rem embered all the names!
Fr Keane came to the college in 1951 , one year after its found ati on, and
he has been here since then, teaching Class ics with great di stinction and
of course establi shing Gonzaga's reputation in tenni s for many years. The
Record, however, al so looks to the future, so Mr Michael Bevan, the
Senior Teacher of English for many years in the College writes on the
place of literature in education today, and Fr Bruce Bracll ey's chall enging
homily to the graduating 6th Year last June is al so includ ed. The Tra nsition
Year got off to a good start, the Leaving Results-again in general most
sati sfactory - are published, and the various other reports need no
This year's Record appea rs at a time of signifi ca nt anniversa ri es and
changes. 199 1 is the fi ve hundredth anni ve rsa ry of' the birth of St I gnat iu s
Loyola- an event th at will be mark ed in Jesuit in stitutions all over th e
\oVOr ld during the Ignati an Centenary Yea r. whi ch end s on the Feast or
St lgnatiu s 3 1 Jul y 199 1. 1990 is also the four hundred and fifti eth
anni ve rsa ry of the founding of the Soc iety of Jesus. Gonzaga Coll ege
itse lf opened its doo rs in 1950 - originall y stalled by Fr Charles O'Conor
(Rector). Fr Bill White (Prefect of Studies), Fr John Murphy and Fr Tim
Hamilton. the onl y surviving founder; so the College is celebratin g its
fo rti eth birthday in 1990. The changes of course on the world scene in
th e pas t year have been enormous, es pec iall y in eastern Europe, and at
the time of ed itin g the Gul f cri sis is monopoli sing the world news - sharp
reminders of the prov isional and unpredi ctabl e in our liv es.
At another level signifi ca nt change comes to Gonzaga thi s yea r also
with th e appointment of a new headmas ter, Mr Patrick Pott s, by the
Manager, Fr Paddy Crowe SJ - a change announced a yea r ago by th e
Prov incial, Fr Phi lip Harn ett SJ. Mr Potts is the first lay headmaster
appointed to a Jes uit sc hool in Ireland . A brief profile of th e new
headmas ter, new to Gonzaga, but already tri ed and experi enced in other
sc hools, appears elsewhere in thi s Record.
The Record 's fun cti on, of course, is fir st to record the names and
ac ti viti es of th ose who participated in Gonzaga 's life during 1989-90, a
'laudator tempori s acti '. One such worthy laudator thi s year is Fr Eddie
Keane SJ , who gives a most int eresting account of the school's ea rl y clays
and he includ es some rare early photographs. The most fa sc inating is the
first ph oto ever taken in Gonzaga of the entire sc hool student body and
staff in Gonzaga's fir st year. In 1990 Fr Keane rem embered all the names!
Fr Keane came to the college in 1951 , one year after its found ati on, and
he has been here since then, teaching Class ics with great di stinction and
of course establi shing Gonzaga's reputation in tenni s for many years. The
Record, however, al so looks to the future, so Mr Michael Bevan, the
Senior Teacher of English for many years in the College writes on the
place of literature in education today, and Fr Bruce Bracll ey's chall enging
homily to the graduating 6th Year last June is al so includ ed. The Tra nsition
Year got off to a good start, the Leaving Results-again in general most
sati sfactory - are published, and the various other reports need no