Page 103 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 103
The Past Pupils' Union

My immediate predecessor got it absolutely right when he said ''It's been
both a great plea ure and an honour to be president of the Gonzaga Past
Pupil · nion · ·. The e are exactly my thoughts and feelings as my year
of Pre iden y comes to a close and Gonzaga College celebrates its 40th
anniver ary. The nion had a very good year and the links between the
Pa t and the School were further strengthened. Father Peter Sexton sJ,
who only re ently handed over the job of Headmaster of Gonzaga to
Mr Patri k Pott . kept in close contact with
u and we with him . For his friendship,
advice and assi tance during the year and
during all the time he was at Gonzaga, both
I. the Committee and all the past pupils
thank him \'ery si ncerely. We also send
him our be t wishes for the future.
In the year ended September 1990 the
Past Pupils ni on was active in a number
of way . In October 1989 we sent a
ewsletter to all the Past Pupils of
Gonzaga (over 950) which reminded all
past pupil of the purpose of the Union as
well as sett ing out the programme of
events and acti vities for the year. My Peter Mathews, President PPU
thanks go to Edward Cotter, Marc
O'Sullivan. Paul Keelan and Ray Cotter for their help in preparing the
Newsletter. The Gonzaga Union offers a lot to each and every past pupil.
Its purpose is twofold :
1. Keeping the Past in touch with one another by means of events and
developments e.g. the Annual Dinner, the golf outing, establishment of
the Benevolent Fund. association with the Irish Federation of Jesuit Alurnni
and involvement in and support of its activities such as the refugee
2. Supporting the school development, activities and events e.g.
supporting the school teams in Leinster Cup campaigns, Past-Present tennis
and cricket matches, Past-Present debates, providing stewards at the
Christmas Mass and Easter ceremonies, supporting the school programme
of career talks, the Transition year (4th year) work experience programme,
the 6th year Lourdes project etc.
In November 1989 the annual Mass to commemorate the deceased past
pupils and teachers of Gonzaga was held in the school chapel. Only a
few days later I was invited in my capacity as President of the Union
to attend the very moving commemorative Mass for the six Spanish Jesuits,
their housekeeper and her daughter murdered in San Salvador. It must

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