Page 7 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 7
The Record is aptly named, for its primary function is to record the
names and activities of those who participated in the 1988-89 life of
Gonzaga. However, such a journal is not, nor should it be, merely
concerned with the past, but also has an eye to the future and to the
quality of life of Gonzaga's present who will help form that future in
Ireland and beyond. Hence some of the articles in this year's Record look
to that future: Fr John Macken's homily to the 1989 Leaving class on the
acid test of the real _success of our education; Mr Peter Sutherland's
reflections on 1992 and some of its implications for education; and
excerpts from Fr General's address to Jesuit teachers from all over the US
on the fruits expected from their work in higher education.
Among changes in the past year was the departure at Christmas of Mr
Jim Walsh after more than ten years teaching in the College. Jim, the
only past pupil on the staff, among other things taught Economics and
Maths, trained the JCT and ran the cricket - he will be sorely missed
in Gonzaga as he continues accountancy studies and works in business.
A significant step this year was the formal introduction of a Policy and
Code of Discipline, initiated by the Manager. The spirit of the Policy and
Code is that of Jesuit schools worldwide. Its administration involves, as
well as Headmaster and Vice-Principal, Senior teachers and the 6th Year
Master. A major articulation of the worldwide spirit referred to Is m
'Characteristics of Jesuit Education', a document published in 1987
which will be increasingly familiar in the coming years.
The most notable academic changes concern the current year with the
introduction of the Transition Year in 4th Year and the new Junior
Certificate for the incoming First Year, to be examined in 1992. The 1989
Leaving Certificate results are again published, giving an indication of
some of the achievements of students and the dedication of staff. Matric
results were also in general very good indeed.
The most exciting event of the year, of course, was the exceptional fea t
of the Junior Cup team in getting to the Leinster Cup Final against
Terenure, losing narrowly in the replay at Lansdowne Road. Gi ven the
size of the school, this was by any standards a remarkable success of the
squad and especially of their trainers - the season is well documented
elsewhere in the Record. The campaign brought delight to all invol ved in
the school as well as providing a splendid opportunity to meet and
welcome many past pupils back to the College. The Senior Cup Team
The Record is aptly named, for its primary function is to record the
names and activities of those who participated in the 1988-89 life of
Gonzaga. However, such a journal is not, nor should it be, merely
concerned with the past, but also has an eye to the future and to the
quality of life of Gonzaga's present who will help form that future in
Ireland and beyond. Hence some of the articles in this year's Record look
to that future: Fr John Macken's homily to the 1989 Leaving class on the
acid test of the real _success of our education; Mr Peter Sutherland's
reflections on 1992 and some of its implications for education; and
excerpts from Fr General's address to Jesuit teachers from all over the US
on the fruits expected from their work in higher education.
Among changes in the past year was the departure at Christmas of Mr
Jim Walsh after more than ten years teaching in the College. Jim, the
only past pupil on the staff, among other things taught Economics and
Maths, trained the JCT and ran the cricket - he will be sorely missed
in Gonzaga as he continues accountancy studies and works in business.
A significant step this year was the formal introduction of a Policy and
Code of Discipline, initiated by the Manager. The spirit of the Policy and
Code is that of Jesuit schools worldwide. Its administration involves, as
well as Headmaster and Vice-Principal, Senior teachers and the 6th Year
Master. A major articulation of the worldwide spirit referred to Is m
'Characteristics of Jesuit Education', a document published in 1987
which will be increasingly familiar in the coming years.
The most notable academic changes concern the current year with the
introduction of the Transition Year in 4th Year and the new Junior
Certificate for the incoming First Year, to be examined in 1992. The 1989
Leaving Certificate results are again published, giving an indication of
some of the achievements of students and the dedication of staff. Matric
results were also in general very good indeed.
The most exciting event of the year, of course, was the exceptional fea t
of the Junior Cup team in getting to the Leinster Cup Final against
Terenure, losing narrowly in the replay at Lansdowne Road. Gi ven the
size of the school, this was by any standards a remarkable success of the
squad and especially of their trainers - the season is well documented
elsewhere in the Record. The campaign brought delight to all invol ved in
the school as well as providing a splendid opportunity to meet and
welcome many past pupils back to the College. The Senior Cup Team