Page 20 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 20
personnel is a really serious problem. adequate career guidance and the pro-
In 1987, the year is was launched, the vision of an education which provides
Cornett programme enabled the Com- a base for ready adaptation to
munity to finance 108 university- different cultures.
industry training partnerships and It is, of course, for the Department
1,067 transnational placements in of Education to ensure that the
industry for students together with courses that are required to be
various other projects and fellow- followed in order to gain an adequate
ships. Leaving Certificate are attuned to the
This programme is developing and, practical realities of this new world but
in this instance and others, the Irish without career guidance much of the
universities have responded very enormous efforts made by our young
rapidly. The second programme, may not be fully rewarded. I think that
Erasmus, is a programme intended to there is inadequate ongoing research
encourage student mobility. It again (and communication from industry to
involves higher education establish- schools) on this topic to enable wise
ments and deals with exchange. It counselling. The issue of exposure to
involves 3,600 higher education estab- cultures during school years is not an
lishments and some 6 million students easy one to deal with either at school
and provides an opportunity for some or home level but there can be little
of them to do part of their studies in doubt about the enormous benefits
a university in another Member State. not merely gained from the linguistic
The initial budget for this programme point of view but also from the
was ECU85 million for the first three broadening of perspective which
years which was excessively modest results. It is also worth noting that
but at least again starts a programme. since 1986 and a ruling of the Court of
The third programme YES for Europe Justice in Luxembourg students at
does not involve simply students in third level are entitled to access to
higher education. It is a programme universities in all EC countries on the
open to all young Europeans. YES same terms relating to fees as nationals
stands for Youth Exchange Scheme of the State in question. It is not
and those involved are between the merely the United Kingdom and Nor-
ages of 18 and 28 who receive grants thern Ireland that are involved.
to undertake a work placement period Gonzaga College, which has devel-
in another Community country. oped from the earliest days in a liberal
It must be the conclusion, not environment conscious of change in
merely in this country with its regret- our society and the world around us, is
tably high unemployment and emigra- particularly suited to positively res-
tion, but also elsewhere, that the ponding, as I believe it is doing, to the
development of an integrated Euro- challenges and opportunities which
pean economics space places new Europe holds out to us. I am sure that
burdens on educators and students the boys will be stimulated rather than
alike. It seems to me that the response feel threatened by our increasing
from an educational point of view to involvement in the wider world outside
this rapidly changing world in which our shores.
we live must be specifically targetted
on two areas, the provision of Peter Sutherland
In 1987, the year is was launched, the vision of an education which provides
Cornett programme enabled the Com- a base for ready adaptation to
munity to finance 108 university- different cultures.
industry training partnerships and It is, of course, for the Department
1,067 transnational placements in of Education to ensure that the
industry for students together with courses that are required to be
various other projects and fellow- followed in order to gain an adequate
ships. Leaving Certificate are attuned to the
This programme is developing and, practical realities of this new world but
in this instance and others, the Irish without career guidance much of the
universities have responded very enormous efforts made by our young
rapidly. The second programme, may not be fully rewarded. I think that
Erasmus, is a programme intended to there is inadequate ongoing research
encourage student mobility. It again (and communication from industry to
involves higher education establish- schools) on this topic to enable wise
ments and deals with exchange. It counselling. The issue of exposure to
involves 3,600 higher education estab- cultures during school years is not an
lishments and some 6 million students easy one to deal with either at school
and provides an opportunity for some or home level but there can be little
of them to do part of their studies in doubt about the enormous benefits
a university in another Member State. not merely gained from the linguistic
The initial budget for this programme point of view but also from the
was ECU85 million for the first three broadening of perspective which
years which was excessively modest results. It is also worth noting that
but at least again starts a programme. since 1986 and a ruling of the Court of
The third programme YES for Europe Justice in Luxembourg students at
does not involve simply students in third level are entitled to access to
higher education. It is a programme universities in all EC countries on the
open to all young Europeans. YES same terms relating to fees as nationals
stands for Youth Exchange Scheme of the State in question. It is not
and those involved are between the merely the United Kingdom and Nor-
ages of 18 and 28 who receive grants thern Ireland that are involved.
to undertake a work placement period Gonzaga College, which has devel-
in another Community country. oped from the earliest days in a liberal
It must be the conclusion, not environment conscious of change in
merely in this country with its regret- our society and the world around us, is
tably high unemployment and emigra- particularly suited to positively res-
tion, but also elsewhere, that the ponding, as I believe it is doing, to the
development of an integrated Euro- challenges and opportunities which
pean economics space places new Europe holds out to us. I am sure that
burdens on educators and students the boys will be stimulated rather than
alike. It seems to me that the response feel threatened by our increasing
from an educational point of view to involvement in the wider world outside
this rapidly changing world in which our shores.
we live must be specifically targetted
on two areas, the provision of Peter Sutherland