Page 76 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 76
The region contains abundant remnants of prehistoric settlement. It
was attractive to early man due to the absence of dense oakland forest
which impeded agriculture in the rest of the country. Today, despite
limited soil cover it is still an integral part of the Irish farming system,
young cattle thrive on the high calcium content grass (from the lime-
stone) which promotes bone development.
Having being thus enlightened by our tour of the Burren on Saturday,
we arrived back at the hotel to hear rumours that a party of young ladies
were to stay at the hotel. Our enthusiasm turned to horror however when
we espied a troop of 40 twelve-year old girls arriving. Before going out
to enjoy the "Lisdoonvarna Night Life" we all subscribed to a copy of
a booklet on the Burren eo-written by Vinny some years ago - for this
he was most grateful as it (a) shortened his night lecture and (b) financed
his nightime entertainment and served to increase the wealth and
prosperity of Arthur Guinness and Co. Here it should be noted that
Vinny was at all times an entertaining and knowledgeable guide.
Rising late (8.30 am) on Sunday morning we parted company with our
now completed hotel and embarked for the Cliffs of Moher. These
Namurian rock faces, rising 500 ft. above the perpetually turbulent sea
are awe-inspiring manifestations of the spectacular force (some 30 tons
per sq. metre) exerted by the Atlantic breakers. Thence to Limerick where
we lunched in a Burgerland establishment which bore more than a
passing resemblance to the interior of a tin can and bade farewell to the
"savage west" and returned to the "big smoke" of civilisation.
The Burren, perched on the Western precipice before a sullen Atlantic
sea, is a landscape of rare compulsive beauty. Its hard naked rock and
abstract geometric shapes are distinctly at variance with the lush gentle
outlines of much of our island.
And yet this oddly lunar landscape richly sprinkled with monuments
of human endeavour, is now subject to increasing environmental
degradation by that same race. Delicate environmental thresholds have
been transgressed by the Sulphur Dioxide-spewing ESB station at
Moneypoint. An enlightened and sympathetic plan is required to
stimulate public awareness of this unique natural and cultural habitat and
to preserve its fragile ecosystem.

Brendan McEvoy (S.6A)
lain Donovan (S.6)
Pierre Eliet (S.6)

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