Page 46 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 46
Senior Cup: Gonzaga v Belvedere (Quarter-Final).

17 February: Fr Keane, in another attempt to show the value of classical
education, announces to his Greek class that he has just dispensed of
his "psephistic" duties. He refuses to explain himself, or to say for
whom he voted.!

18 February: Mr Bevan's morning prayer: "We praise God for the glory
of his world, in spite of politicians:' He then sits down and launches
into a deeply scathing, and maliciously vituperative attack, in which he
decomposes his Sixth year's compositions.

26 February: Gonzaga beat C.U.S. in History Quiz.

27 February: Mid-term begins. Gonzaga lose to Belvedere in Senior Cup
Quarter Finals.

4 March: End of Mid-term. Before school Mass, Fr Brennan demands
silence, claiming that this is only the second time in the school year
that the students have been called to Mass, and that therefore it is not
unreasonable to ask for good behaviour. He remarks that one would
be respectful in a Buddhist temple, so why not here?
Fr Brennan closes the Sixth year cottage for 1 week, claiming it has
been abused, and repeatedly saying that he "will not become a
policeman:' A week later, Sergeant Brennan, on his rounds, nicks a
group of Sixth years speculating on the outcome of permutations of
playing cards in the cottage. They are brought to justice, and the
cottage is closed once more.
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