Page 24 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 24
The famous concert given by David Coyle and the Greenbeats in front
of pupils and community, during which he gyrated around the stage and
finally succeeded, to the amusement of the boys and the annoyance of
the community, in splitting his trousers.
Fons O'Meara, chasing the lads around the cricket pitch with a dead
bird tied to the end of a stick; climbing the copper beech tree; playing
soccer against the bomb shelter, which was located beside the junior
rugby pitches; following Tommy Lenihan in his magnificent semi-final
match in the Leinster Boys Golf Championship; watching Peter
Sutherland jostling for the Captaincy of the Junior Cup Rugby team;
playing indoor soccer in the school hall; doing "gym with style" in Mr
Byrne's class; listening as Damien McGarry tried unsuccessfully to pro-
nounce "liquor law" in a debate.
Fr Brennan and his enormous fascination with long words, a bit like
Leonard Sachs in the "Good Old Days". Fr O'Laoghaire, Celtic Scholar
for his quiet sense of humour which endeared him to us all. Playing
cricket against Masonic and the lovely cakes which they provided with the
tea. Watching David O'Connor and Lesley Webb doing so well in the
Irish Croquet Championships. Going to Martin Kelly's superb birthday
parties in Eglinton Road, the priests who were slow at saying Mass and
those who were fast, and those who drank a little wine and those who
drank a little more. The smell of the newly cut grass for the cricket
Gonzaga has been a real part of my life and I am personally committed
to helping the school in any way which I can. My eldest son, Garfield,
is now in the Prep-School and it is my hope that when his time comes
to leave that he will have the same happy memories as his dad.
I will always be very grateful to those who helped me so very much
during my school days in Gonzaga, and to Fr Barber who was such a
good friend and inspiration during my involvement with the Past Pupils
Union. I wish Fr Sexton every happiness in his new role as Headmaster
and Fr Lee continued success with his School Annual. I think that we all
owe a great debt of gratitude to Fr O'Connor and Fr White, for after all
it was they who who started Gonzaga.

Tony Spollen
May, 1987

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