Page 45 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 45
He says he is learning to bear with in the Phoenix Park for the Mass of
the heat at last, but can't get used to Pope John Paul 11 which began the
the lack of fresh air: outside his Pope's visit.
residence is an 8-lane traffic highway!
He works in Dasmarinas Village,
Makati, Manilla, Philippines. Gerard Whelan SJ
Gerard was born in Dublin in 1959. He
spent his school years in Gonzaga
Ciaran O'Carroll, Dublin Diocese College, leaving in 1978. He spent the
next four years at Trinity College,
Ciaran spent the final three years of Dublin, taking for his degree Econ-
secondary schooling at Gonzaga, omics and Social Science. In 1982 he
having being previously at Benildus entered the Jesuit noviciate at Manresa
College. He left Gonzaga in 1978 and House, Clontarf. He took his first
entered Clonliffe. While at Clonliffe he vows as a Jesuit in 1984.
Gerard Whelan, SJ
Ciaran O'Carroll At present he is in his second year as
a student of Philosophy at the Mill-
town Park Institute of Philosophy and
studied at University College Dublin Theology. When his philosophy stu-
taking his degree in History and dies are complete he hopes to go to
Philosophy. This was followed by three Zambia for his regency years. At
years studying Theology. He gained present he is resident in John Sullivan
his theology degree Cum Laude. He House, 26 Longford Terrace, Monks-
was ordained to the priesthood in town, Dublin.
1985. But there was to be no let-up in
studies. Instead of parish work he was
sent to the Gregorian University in
Rome, where he is now studying for a John McCann, Dublin Diocese
degree in Ecclesiastical History.
Ciaran is unlikely ever to forget that John did all his schooling at Gonzaga
memorable morning in 1979 when he College, leaving in 1979. From an early
led out the procession to the great altar age John showed great interest and
the heat at last, but can't get used to Pope John Paul 11 which began the
the lack of fresh air: outside his Pope's visit.
residence is an 8-lane traffic highway!
He works in Dasmarinas Village,
Makati, Manilla, Philippines. Gerard Whelan SJ
Gerard was born in Dublin in 1959. He
spent his school years in Gonzaga
Ciaran O'Carroll, Dublin Diocese College, leaving in 1978. He spent the
next four years at Trinity College,
Ciaran spent the final three years of Dublin, taking for his degree Econ-
secondary schooling at Gonzaga, omics and Social Science. In 1982 he
having being previously at Benildus entered the Jesuit noviciate at Manresa
College. He left Gonzaga in 1978 and House, Clontarf. He took his first
entered Clonliffe. While at Clonliffe he vows as a Jesuit in 1984.
Gerard Whelan, SJ
Ciaran O'Carroll At present he is in his second year as
a student of Philosophy at the Mill-
town Park Institute of Philosophy and
studied at University College Dublin Theology. When his philosophy stu-
taking his degree in History and dies are complete he hopes to go to
Philosophy. This was followed by three Zambia for his regency years. At
years studying Theology. He gained present he is resident in John Sullivan
his theology degree Cum Laude. He House, 26 Longford Terrace, Monks-
was ordained to the priesthood in town, Dublin.
1985. But there was to be no let-up in
studies. Instead of parish work he was
sent to the Gregorian University in
Rome, where he is now studying for a John McCann, Dublin Diocese
degree in Ecclesiastical History.
Ciaran is unlikely ever to forget that John did all his schooling at Gonzaga
memorable morning in 1979 when he College, leaving in 1979. From an early
led out the procession to the great altar age John showed great interest and